Physical Review E – October 1996
Volume 54, Issue 4



Stochastic resonance in a spatially extended system
Horacio S. Wio
pp. R3075-R3078 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Scaling for random walks on Eden trees
F. D. A. Aarão Reis
pp. R3079-R3081 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Tool to recover scalar time-delay systems from experimental time series
M. J. Bünner, M. Popp, Th. Meyer, A. Kittel, and J. Parisi
pp. R3082-R3085 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system under ac modulation of bias and coupling energy
Milena Grifoni
pp. R3086-R3089 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Critical dynamics of the contact process with quenched disorder
Adriana G. Moreira and Ronald Dickman
pp. R3090-R3093 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Synchronization waves in arrays of driven chaotic systems
M. N. Lorenzo, I. P. Mariño, V. Pérez-Muñuzuri, M. A. Matías, and V. Pérez-Villar
pp. R3094-R3097 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Statistical uncertainty in the analysis of structure functions in turbulence
R. Camussi, C. Baudet, R. Benzi, and S. Ciliberto
pp. R3098-R3101 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Experimental observation of dynamic mode switching in interfacial-tension-driven convection near a codimension-two point
Duane Johnson and Ranga Narayanan
pp. R3102-R3104 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Dynamical properties of multiarmed global spirals in Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Xiao-jun Li, Hao-wen Xi, and J. D. Gunton
pp. R3105-R3108 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Scattering rates versus moments: Alternative Grad equations
Alexander N. Gorban and Iliya V. Karlin
pp. R3109-R3112 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Optical properties of antiferroelectric liquid crystals in free-standing films
Barbara Rovšek, Mojca Čepič, and Boštjan Žekš
pp. R3113-R3116 [View PDF (118 kB)]
Dynamics of the formation of an aureole in the bursting of soap films
N. Y. Liang, C. K. Chan, and H. J. Choi
pp. R3117-R3120 [View PDF (1,605 kB)]
Experimental observation of high-brightness microbunching in a photocathode rf electron gun
X. J. Wang, X. Qiu, and I. Ben-Zvi
pp. R3121-R3124 [View PDF (81 kB)]
Soliton stability in optical transmission lines using semiconductor amplifiers and fast saturable absorbers
S. K. Turitsyn
pp. R3125-R3128 [View PDF (92 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Higher-order finite-element distributions in statistical theory of nuclear spectra
Maciej M. Duras and Krzysztof Sokalski
pp. 3142-3148 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Effect of chaotic noise on multistable systems
Tsuyoshi Hondou and Yasuji Sawada
pp. 3149-3156 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Defects in self-organized criticality: A directed coupled map lattice model
Bosiljka Tadić and Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
pp. 3157-3164 [View PDF (200 kB)]
Motion of a driven tracer particle in a one-dimensional symmetric lattice gas
S. F. Burlatsky, G. Oshanin, M. Moreau, and W. P. Reinhardt
pp. 3165-3172 [View PDF (159 kB)]
Escape over a fluctuating barrier: Limits of small and large correlation times
Jan Iwaniszewski
pp. 3173-3184 [View PDF (234 kB)]
Braids on the Poincaré section: A laser example
Hernán G. Solari, Mario A. Natiello, and Mariano Vázquez
pp. 3185-3195 [View PDF (230 kB)]
One-dimensional map lattices: Synchronization, bifurcations, and chaotic structures
Vladimir N. Belykh and Erik Mosekilde
pp. 3196-3203 [View PDF (202 kB)]
Control of chaos in noisy flows
Steven R. Bishop and Daolin Xu
pp. 3204-3210 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Global scaling behaviors and chaotic measure characterized by the convergent rates of period-p-tupling bifurcations
Shou-Li Peng and Ke-Fei Cao
pp. 3211-3220 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Transition from localized to extended eigenstates in the ensemble of power-law random banded matrices
Alexander D. Mirlin, Yan V. Fyodorov, Frank-Michael Dittes, Javier Quezada, and Thomas H. Seligman
pp. 3221-3230 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Strange nonchaotic attractors in autonomous and periodically driven systems
V. S. Anishchenko, T. E. Vadivasova, and O. Sosnovtseva
pp. 3231-3234 [View PDF (103 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Coherent-ordered transition in chaotic globally coupled maps
Fagen Xie and Hilda A. Cerdeira
pp. 3235-3238 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Low-dimensional phase-locked states in the Zakharov equations
G. I. de Oliveira, L. P. L. de Oliveira, and F. B. Rizzato
pp. 3239-3249 [View PDF (303 kB)]
Integral relaxation time of single-domain ferromagnetic particles
D. A. Garanin
pp. 3250-3256 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Kinetics of phase ordering in the two-dimensional coupled XY-Ising model
Jong-Rim Lee, Sung Jong Lee, Bongsoo Kim, and Iksoo Chang
pp. 3257-3263 [View PDF (359 kB)]
Regular and irregular features of classical motion described by a quadrupole boson Hamiltonian
V. Baran, A. A. Raduta, and D. S. Delion
pp. 3264-3273 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Kinetic equations for a nonideal quantum system
Th. Bornath, D. Kremp, W. D. Kraeft, and M. Schlanges
pp. 3274-3284 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Different types of chaos synchronization in two coupled piecewise linear maps
Yuri Maistrenko and Tomasz Kapitaniak
pp. 3285-3292 [View PDF (346 kB)]
Nearest-neighbor-spacing distribution of a system with many degrees of freedom, some regular and some chaotic
A. Y. Abul-Magd and M. H. Simbel
pp. 3293-3299 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Scale anomaly and quantum chaos in billiards with pointlike scatterers
Taksu Cheon and T. Shigehara
pp. 3300-3303 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Validity of basic concepts in nonlinear cooperative Fokker-Planck models
A. N. Drozdov and M. Morillo
pp. 3304-3313 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Complex fiber bundle model for optimization of heterogeneous materials
Shu-dong Zhang, Zu-qia Huang, and E-jiang Ding
pp. 3314-3319 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Multiplicity distributions in binary fragmenting with inhibition at the transition line
Robert Botet and M. Płoszajczak
pp. 3320-3333 [View PDF (285 kB)]
Parallel Bak-Sneppen model and directed percolation
Didier Sornette and Ivan Dornic
pp. 3334-3338 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Decay rates of resonance states at high level density
E. Persson, T. Gorin, and I. Rotter
pp. 3339-3351 [View PDF (385 kB)]
Stochastic localization
David W. Brown, L. J. Bernstein, and Katja Lindenberg
pp. 3352-3360 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Coupled chaotic chemical oscillators
Milos Dolnik and Irving R. Epstein
pp. 3361-3368 [View PDF (474 kB)]
Self-replication and splitting of domain patterns in reaction-diffusion systems with the fast inhibitor
C. B. Muratov
pp. 3369-3376 [View PDF (287 kB)]
Degree of synchronization of noisy maps on the circle
P. Khoury, M. A. Lieberman, and A. J. Lichtenberg
pp. 3377-3388 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Critical exponents of a two-dimensional continuum percolation system
A. Okazaki, K. Maruyama, K. Okumura, Y. Hasegawa, and S. Miyazima
pp. 3389-3392 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Period p-tuplings in coupled maps
Sang-Yoon Kim
pp. 3393-3418 [View PDF (451 kB)]
Action principle in nonequilibrium statistical dynamics
Gregory L. Eyink
pp. 3419-3435 [View PDF (305 kB)]
Irreversible phase transitions in contact processes with Lévy exchanges and long-range interactions
Ezequiel V. Albano
pp. 3436-3441 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of cracks
M. Marder
pp. 3442-3454 [View PDF (247 kB)]
Stabilizing unstable periodic points of one-dimensional nonlinear systems using delayed-feedback signals
Keiji Konishi, Morio Ishii, and Hideki Kokame
pp. 3455-3460 [View PDF (281 kB)]
Chaos in the relativistic cyclotron motion of a charged particle
Jung-Hoon Kim and Hai-Woong Lee
pp. 3461-3467 [View PDF (174 kB)]
Random matrix approach to quantum dissipation
Aurel Bulgac, Giu Do Dang, and Dimitri Kusnezov
pp. 3468-3478 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Resonant activation in a bistable system
M. Marchi, F. Marchesoni, L. Gammaitoni, E. Menichella-Saetta, and S. Santucci
pp. 3479-3487 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Testing predictability criteria in avalanches
E. Morales, R. Peralta-Fabi, and V. Romero-Rochín
pp. 3488-3494 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Microcanonical fluctuations of a Bose system’s ground state occupation number
Siegfried Grossmann and Martin Holthaus
pp. 3495-3498 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Static and dynamic epidemics on looped chains and looped trees
N. Vandewalle and M. Ausloos
pp. 3499-3507 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Extrinsic effects on the disorder dynamics of Bénard-Marangoni patterns
P. Cerisier, S. Rahal, and B. Billia
pp. 3508-3517 [View PDF (1,189 kB)]
Analytical properties of the quadratic density response and quadratic dynamical structure functions: Conservation sum rules and frequency moments
J. M. Rommel and G. Kalman
pp. 3518-3530 [View PDF (267 kB)]
On-off intermittency in random map lattices driven by fractal noise
H. L. Yang, Z. Q. Huang, and E. J. Ding
pp. 3531-3534 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Noise-induced phase transitions in a pendulum with a randomly vibrating suspension axis
Polina S. Landa and Alexey A. Zaikin
pp. 3535-3544 [View PDF (262 kB)]
Neural network model to control an experimental chaotic pendulum
Rembrandt Bakker, Jaap C. Schouten, Floris Takens, and Cor M. van den Bleek
pp. 3545-3552 [View PDF (201 kB)]
Transitional aggregation kinetics in dry and damp environments
P. L. Krapivsky and S. Redner
pp. 3553-3561 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Nucleation and growth in one dimension
E. Ben-Naim and P. L. Krapivsky
pp. 3562-3568 [View PDF (145 kB)]
Deconvolution of Rutherford backscattering spectra: An inverse problem
Heinz Ellmer and Dieter Semrad
pp. 3569-3576 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for an erosion model
Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen, Rodolfo Cuerno, and Hernán A. Makse
pp. 3577-3580 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Observation of the concurrent creation and annihilation of periodic orbits in a nonlinear RLC circuit
T. C. Newell, V. Kovanis, A. Gavrielides, and P. Bennett
pp. 3581-3590 [View PDF (339 kB)]
Semiclassical level curvatures and quantum transport phenomena
Mitsusada M. Sano
pp. 3591-3605 [View PDF (340 kB)]
Critical dimensions for random walks on random-walk chains
Savely Rabinovich, H. Eduardo Roman, Shlomo Havlin, and Armin Bunde
pp. 3606-3608 [View PDF (94 kB)]

Classical fluids

Bénard-Marangoni convection in square containers
D. Krmpotić, G. B. Mindlin, and C. Pérez-García
pp. 3609-3613 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Diffusion in a multicomponent lattice Boltzmann equation model
Xiaowen Shan and Gary Doolen
pp. 3614-3620 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Well-posed Boussinesq paradigm with purely spatial higher-order derivatives
C. I. Christov, G. A. Maugin, and M. G. Velarde
pp. 3621-3638 [View PDF (348 kB)]
Green’s functions for a system with a thin membrane
Tadeusz Kosztołowicz
pp. 3639-3642 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Experimental study of self-sustained oscillations in a confined jet
A. Maurel, P. Ern, B. J. A. Zielinska, and J. E. Wesfreid
pp. 3643-3651 [View PDF (494 kB)]
Time correlation functions of classical fluids: A self-consistent approach
Rajneesh K. Sharma, R. K. Moudgil, and K. Tankeshwar
pp. 3652-3656 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Transition between viscous and inertial-range scaling of turbulence structure functions
Charles Meneveau
pp. 3657-3663 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Homogeneous cooling state of a low-density granular flow
J. Javier Brey, M. J. Ruiz-Montero, and D. Cubero
pp. 3664-3671 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Magnetic fluid under vorticity: Free precession decay of magnetization and optical anisotropy
F. Gazeau, B. M. Heegaard, J.-C. Bacri, A. Cebers, and R. Perzynski
pp. 3672-3675 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Rayleigh-Taylor instability in finite-thickness fluids with viscosity and surface tension
Karnig O. Mikaelian
pp. 3676-3680 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Vortex-sink dynamics
A. E. Novikov and E. A. Novikov
pp. 3681-3686 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of deformable molecular liquids: Thermal expansion and isomerization of diatomic molecules
Toyonori Munakata, Shuhei Yoshida, and Fumio Hirata
pp. 3687-3692 [View PDF (136 kB)]
Orientational relaxation in a random dipolar lattice: Wave-number and frequency dependence
S. Ravichandran and Biman Bagchi
pp. 3693-3706 [View PDF (248 kB)]
Continuous limit of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model
S. Krauss, P. Wagner, and C. Gawron
pp. 3707-3712 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Propagation of curved stationary flames in tubes
V. V. Bychkov, S. M. Golberg, M. A. Liberman, and L. E. Eriksson
pp. 3713-3724 [View PDF (256 kB)]
Irreversible adsorption of particles after diffusing in a gravitational field
Jordi Faraudo and Javier Bafaluy
pp. 3725-3739 [View PDF (280 kB)]
Turbulent Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments with variable acceleration
Guy Dimonte and Marilyn Schneider
pp. 3740-3743 [View PDF (558 kB)]
Modulated electrochemical waves
R. D. Otterstedt, P. J. Plath, N. I. Jaeger, and J. L. Hudson
pp. 3744-3751 [View PDF (113 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Surface-tension-gradient-induced flow in freely suspended liquid crystalline films
M. I. Godfrey and D. H. Van Winkle
pp. 3752-3764 [View PDF (465 kB)]
Periodic distortions in lyotropic nematic calamitic liquid crystals
M. Simões, A. J. Palangana, and L. R. Evangelista
pp. 3765-3770 [View PDF (948 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Structure of the cholesteric focal conic domains at the free surface
R. Meister, M.-A. Hallé, H. Dumoulin, and P. Pieranski
pp. 3771-3782 [View PDF (578 kB)]
Landau–de Gennes theory of the chevron structure in a smectic liquid crystal
N. Vaupotič, S. Kralj, M. Čopič, and T. J. Sluckin
pp. 3783-3792 [View PDF (204 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Wetting description of block copolymer thin films
Scott T. Milner and David C. Morse
pp. 3793-3810 [View PDF (342 kB)]
Dynamical behavior of microemulsion and sponge phases in thermal equilibrium
M. Hennes and G. Gompper
pp. 3811-3831 [View PDF (463 kB)]
Spreading of a thin wetting film: Microscopic approach
S. F. Burlatsky, G. Oshanin, A. M. Cazabat, M. Moreau, and W. P. Reinhardt
pp. 3832-3845 [View PDF (271 kB)]
Dynamic response of a magnetic suspension in a viscoelastic fluid
Yuri L. Raikher and Victor V. Rusakov
pp. 3846-3852 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Merging of the α and β relaxations in polybutadiene: A neutron spin echo and dielectric study
A. Arbe, D. Richter, J. Colmenero, and B. Farago
pp. 3853-3869 [View PDF (389 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Scaling properties of a percolation model with long-range correlations
Muhammad Sahimi and Sumit Mukhopadhyay
pp. 3870-3880 [View PDF (462 kB)]
Two-dimensional dynamics of a free molecular chain with a secondary structure
A. V. Zolotaryuk, P. L. Christiansen, and A. V. Savin
pp. 3881-3894 [View PDF (353 kB)]
Phase ordering kinetics in the Swift-Hohenberg equation
Katsuya Ouchi and Hirokazu Fujisaka
pp. 3895-3898 [View PDF (198 kB)]
Adsorption of polymers at interfaces and extended defects
Semjon Stepanow, Ulf Bauerschäfer, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
pp. 3899-3905 [View PDF (158 kB)]
Thermal fluctuations in supercrystal stripe phases of Langmuir monolayers
A. Deutsch and S. A. Safran
pp. 3906-3927 [View PDF (698 kB)]
Density functional theory for the phase diagram of rigid C60 molecules
M. Hasegawa and K. Ohno
pp. 3928-3932 [View PDF (103 kB)]
Stochastic equations for simple discrete models of epitaxial growth
Milan Předota and Miroslav Kotrla
pp. 3933-3942 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Universality of gelation: End-linking versus cross-linking and stiff rods versus flexible chains
Martin Huthmann, Manuel Rehkopf, Annette Zippelius, and Paul M. Goldbart
pp. 3943-3949 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Effect of the attractive potential of a drop in vapor phase nucleation
Oleg V. Vasil’ev and Howard Reiss
pp. 3950-3954 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Dynamics of semiflexible and rigid particles. I. The velocity distribution and the Smoluchowski equation
J. Bonet Avalos
pp. 3955-3970 [View PDF (310 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Dynamics of semiflexible and rigid particles. II. Derivation of the stress tensor and transport equations
J. Bonet Avalos
pp. 3971-3983 [View PDF (250 kB)]
Bending of ionic surfactant monolayers
J. Daicic, A. Fogden, I. Carlsson, H. Wennerström, and B. Jönsson
pp. 3984-3998 [View PDF (297 kB)]
Penetrant diffusion in frozen polymer matrices: A finite-size scaling study of free volume percolation
H. Weber and W. Paul
pp. 3999-4007 [View PDF (185 kB)]
High-pressure and temperature dependence of dielectric relaxation in supercooled di-isobutyl phthalate
M. Paluch, J. Zioło, S. J. Rzoska, and P. Habdas
pp. 4008-4010 [View PDF (82 kB)]
Simple model for deep bed filtration
Jysoo Lee and Joel Koplik
pp. 4011-4020 [View PDF (294 kB)]
Surface roughness of sputtered ZrO2 films studied by atomic force microscopy and spectroscopic light scattering
D. Rönnow, J. Isidorsson, and G. A. Niklasson
pp. 4021-4026 [View PDF (1,497 kB)]
Lineal measures of clustering in overlapping particle systems
J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato
pp. 4027-4036 [View PDF (845 kB)]

Biological physics

Random walks on random partitions in one dimension
Walter Nadler, Tsongjy Huang, and D. L. Stein
pp. 4037-4047 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Population genetics approach to the quasispecies model
D. Alves and J. F. Fontanari
pp. 4048-4053 [View PDF (136 kB)]
Neuronal populations with reciprocal inhibition and rebound currents: Effects of synaptic and threshold noise
S. Coombes and S. H. Doole
pp. 4054-4065 [View PDF (312 kB)]
Inference and chaos by a network of nonmonotonic neurons
David R. C. Dominguez
pp. 4066-4070 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Kinetics of a Gaussian random copolymer as a prototype for protein folding
E. G. Timoshenko, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, and K. A. Dawson
pp. 4071-4086 [View PDF (325 kB)]

Plasma physics

Electric field dynamics at a charged point
Mikhail A. Berkovsky, James W. Dufty, Annette Calisti, Roland Stamm, and Bernard Talin
pp. 4087-4097 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Second-harmonic generation of Raman scattered light in a plasma channel
C. S. Liu and V. K. Tripathi
pp. 4098-4100 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Energy loss of correlated ions in plasmas: Collective and individual contributions
E. M. Bringa and N. R. Arista
pp. 4101-4111 [View PDF (284 kB)]
Parametric decay of Alfvén waves in multicomponent plasmas
G. Gnavi, R. M. O. Galvão, F. T. Gratton, and L. Gomberoff
pp. 4112-4120 [View PDF (198 kB)]
Ecologically safe regimes of generation and maintenance of artificial ionized regions in the stratosphere by microwave radiation
A. A. Matveyev and V. P. Silakov
pp. 4121-4133 [View PDF (281 kB)]
Stopping power in nonideal and strongly coupled plasmas
K. Morawetz and G. Röpke
pp. 4134-4146 [View PDF (261 kB)]
Stark broadening of satellite lines in silicon plasmas driven by femtosecond laser pulses
R. C. Mancini, A. S. Shlyaptseva, P. Audebert, J. P. Geindre, S. Bastiani, J. C. Gauthier, G. Grillon, A. Mysyrowicz, and A. Antonetti
pp. 4147-4154 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Alignment and instability of dust crystals in plasmas
V. A. Schweigert, I. V. Schweigert, A. Melzer, A. Homann, and A. Piel
pp. 4155-4166 [View PDF (301 kB)]
Absorption and hot electron production by high intensity femtosecond uv-laser pulses in solid targets
U. Teubner, I. Uschmann, P. Gibbon, D. Altenbernd, E. Förster, T. Feurer, W. Theobald, R. Sauerbrey, G. Hirst, M. H. Key, J. Lister, and D. Neely
pp. 4167-4177 [View PDF (228 kB)]

Physics of beams

Single-mode selection and axial mode control in a free-electron maser oscillator using a prebunched electron beam
M. Cohen, A. Eichenbaum, H. Kleinman, D. Chairman, and A. Gover
pp. 4178-4187 [View PDF (663 kB)]
Longitudinal current losses in rf linear accelerators
Nathan Brown and Martin Reiser
pp. 4188-4191 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Role of parametric resonances in global chaos
D. Jeon, M. Bai, C. M. Chu, X. Kang, S. Y. Lee, A. Riabko, and X. Zhao
pp. 4192-4201 [View PDF (268 kB)]
Chaotic dynamics induced by space-charge waves in cyclotron resonance accelerators
R. Pakter, I. L. Caldas, F. Couto, T. Caetano, and F. B. Rizzato
pp. 4202-4210 [View PDF (189 kB)]
Self-guiding and stability of intense optical beams in gases undergoing ionization
P. Sprangle, E. Esarey, and J. Krall
pp. 4211-4232 [View PDF (559 kB)]
Heavy-ion partial beam lifetimes due to Coulomb induced processes
A. J. Baltz, M. J. Rhoades-Brown, and J. Weneser
pp. 4233-4239 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Tracking algorithm for the stable spin polarization field in storage rings using stroboscopic averaging
K. Heinemann and G. H. Hoffstätter
pp. 4240-4255 [View PDF (438 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Light diffusion with gain and random lasers
Diederik S. Wiersma and Ad Lagendijk
pp. 4256-4265 [View PDF (195 kB)]
Second-harmonic generation in diatomic lattices
V. V. Konotop
pp. 4266-4270 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Parametric amplification of short pulses in optical fiber Bragg gratings
M. J. Steel and C. Martijn de Sterke
pp. 4271-4284 [View PDF (255 kB)]
Computing the optical near-field distributions around complex subwavelength surface structures: A comparative study of different methods
Dominique Barchiesi, Christian Girard, Olivier J. F. Martin, Daniel Van Labeke, and Daniel Courjon
pp. 4285-4292 [View PDF (318 kB)]
Patterns and scaling in surface fragmentation processes
T. Hornig, I. M. Sokolov, and A. Blumen
pp. 4293-4298 [View PDF (619 kB)]
Existence of solitary solutions in nonlinear chains
E. W. Laedke, O. Kluth, and K. H. Spatschek
pp. 4299-4311 [View PDF (264 kB)]
Traveling-wave solutions of the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
H. W. Schürmann
pp. 4312-4320 [View PDF (222 kB)]
Origin of the persistent oscillations of solitary waves in nonlinear quadratic media
C. Etrich, U. Peschel, F. Lederer, B. A. Malomed, and Y. S. Kivshar
pp. 4321-4324 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Kink internal modes in discrete nonlinear chains
Fei Zhang
pp. 4325-4328 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Two-dimensional granular flow in a small-angle funnel
C. T. Veje and P. Dimon
pp. 4329-4337 [View PDF (261 kB)]
Nonspiral excitation waves beyond the eikonal approximation
Pavel K. Brazhnik and John J. Tyson
pp. 4338-4346 [View PDF (169 kB)]
Angular-spectrum representation of nondiffracting X waves
Juha Fagerholm, Ari T. Friberg, Juhani Huttunen, David P. Morgan, and Martti M. Salomaa
pp. 4347-4352 [View PDF (189 kB)]
Electromagnetic scattering in two-dimensional dissipative systems without localization
H. Spieker and G. Nimtz
pp. 4353-4358 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Energy balance equation for electromagnetic waves in bianisotropic media
E. O. Kamenetskii
pp. 4359-4367 [View PDF (182 kB)]
B or H as the basic field in electromagnetism
Pierre Hillion
pp. 4368-4370 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Stability and interactions of solitons in two-component active systems
Javid Atai and Boris A. Malomed
pp. 4371-4374 [View PDF (85 kB)]
Biaxial nonlinear surface waves
Paul B. Lundquist, David R. Andersen, and Pascal Morel
pp. 4375-4383 [View PDF (239 kB)]

Computational physics

Lattice Boltzmann algorithm for three-dimensional simulations of plasma turbulence
G. Fogaccia, R. Benzi, and F. Romanelli
pp. 4384-4393 [View PDF (248 kB)]
Adaptation and linear-response theory
Toyonori Munakata and Satoshi Oyama
pp. 4394-4398 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Collective degrees of freedom and multiscale dynamics in spin glasses
N. Persky and S. Solomon
pp. 4399-4410 [View PDF (292 kB)]
Integral equation theory of polydisperse colloidal suspensions using orthogonal polynomial expansions
F. Lado
pp. 4411-4419 [View PDF (175 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Survival probability in the presence of a dynamic trap
Miguel A. Ré, Carlos E. Budde, and Manuel O. Cáceres
pp. 4427-4430 [View PDF (92 kB)]

Classical fluids

Two-dimensional acoustic turbulence
Gregory Falkovich and Michael Meyer
pp. 4431-4434 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Anomalous scaling of a triple correlation function of a randomly advected passive scalar
D. Gutman and E. Balkovsky
pp. 4435-4437 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Dielectrophoresis of a deformable fluid particle in a nonuniform electric field
James Q. Feng
pp. 4438-4441 [View PDF (88 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Quadrupolar interaction in nematic liquid crystals
G. Barbero, L. R. Evangelista, and S. Ponti
pp. 4442-4445 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Lβ′Lc phase transition in phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers: A disorder-order transition in two dimensions
V. A. Raghunathan and John Katsaras
pp. 4446-4449 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Non-Landau critical behavior of heat capacity at the smectic-A–smectic-Cα*transition of the antiferroelectric liquid crystal methylheptyloxycarbonylphenyl octyloxycarbonylbiphenyl carboxylate
Kenji Ema, Haruhiko Yao, Atsuo Fukuda, Yoichi Takanishi, and Hideo Takezoe
pp. 4450-4453 [View PDF (84 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Local reactivity limited aggregation
Anwar Hasmy, Eric Anglaret, and Rémi Jullien
pp. 4454-4457 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Origin of normal stress differences in rapid granular flows
I. Goldhirsch and N. Sela
pp. 4458-4461 [View PDF (93 kB)]

Biological physics

Stochastic gating in diffusion-influenced ligand binding to proteins: Gated protein versus gated ligands
Alexander M. Berezhkovskii, Dah-Yen Yang, Sheh-Yi Sheu, and Sheng Hsien Lin
pp. 4462-4464 [View PDF (94 kB)]

Plasma physics

Low-frequency hydromagnetic modes of a uniformly magnetized liquid star
S. I. Bastrukov and D. V. Podgainy
pp. 4465-4468 [View PDF (85 kB)]
Theory of magnetic field generation
H. Saleem
pp. 4469-4472 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Measurements of laser-speckle-induced perturbations in laser-driven foils
S. G. Glendinning, S. N. Dixit, B. A. Hammel, D. H. Kalantar, M. H. Key, J. D. Kilkenny, J. P. Knauer, D. M. Pennington, B. A. Remington, R. J. Wallace, and S. V. Weber
pp. 4473-4475 [View PDF (164 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Synchronization of a chaotic laser pulsation with its prerecorded history
Takayuki Tsukamoto, Maki Tachikawa, Takuya Hirano, Takahiro Kuga, and Tadao Shimizu
pp. 4476-4479 [View PDF (90 kB)]



Erratum: Zipf's law in percolation
Makoto S. Watanabe
pp. 4483 [View PDF (60 kB)]
Erratum: Spatial Doppler anomaly in an excitable medium
M. Wellner, A. M. Pertsov, and J. Jalife
pp. 4483 [View PDF (60 kB)]